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Episode 143.5 – After Hours w/ Shane Thompson

After recording eps 143, we stayed a bit longer with Shane Thompson to discuss the complexity of the confederate flag, gender, and privilege. Very good stuff for a bunch of drunk people, please check [...]

August 25th, 2015|AfterHours, Current Events, Semi-Award Winning|

Episode 136 – “SCOTUS”

Jimmy Preston, Josh Woodyard, gay rights, SCOTUS, and other jiggery-pokery. Come check it out! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HEY YOU! Are you still reading this? Excellent! Please do us a BIG favor and CLICK on the following link! https://www.crowdrise.com/Build-a-Heart/fundraiser/drunkcastlive Allison Harris [...]

July 1st, 2015|Comedians, Current Events, The Best Podcast Ever|

Episode 123 – “The 5th Stop, with Ali Spagnola”

We had just the best time with Ali Spagnola and her friends Espree & Chris, and audience members Ben and Blake! Come listen to us talk SXSW, podcasting for "Profit,"  mouth tattoos, taco interviews, Patreon, [...]

Episode 109 – “The Drinks Within”

Travis, Adam, Ben, and Dylan discuss the new Star Wars VII trailer, threaten each other with food and buses, and remember Ray Romano. Come check it out! Have a question? E-mail us at questions@drunkcastlive.com, [...]

December 2nd, 2014|Featured, Movies and TV, Semi-Award Winning, The Best Podcast Ever|