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/Tag:North Korea

Episode 116 – “Girlbusters”

We super-charge the show to get through SO MUCH NEWS: all female Ghostbusters reboot, North Korea, and the most American thing in the world shows up in the Philippines. If you miss out you [...]

February 4th, 2015|Food and Drinks, Movies and TV, The Best Podcast Ever|

Episode 91 – “Permanent Stranger”

[icons style="undefined" size="fa-1x" color="01749F" icon="fa-microphone"]   Episode 91 - "Permanent Stranger"     01:05:25 [icons style="undefined" size="fa-1x" color="01749F" icon="fa-clock-o"] Seth Rogan v Kim Jung-Un, Transformers 4, and why you shouldn't move to Austin Download [...]