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/Tag:Mr Belvedere

Episode 142 – Webster’s Butler w/ Greg Lockwood

Grandpa Greg Lockwood comes back to explore Roddy Piper's influence as a heel, what GAMES we love, 80's sitcom butlers, and #drunklivesmatter. Come have fun with us! Enjoy the "Mr. Belvedere" theme. We sure did [...]

Episode 2 – “Tim’s Shirt”

[icons style="undefined" size="fa-1x" color="01749F" icon="fa-microphone"] Episode 2 - "Tim’s Shirt" 00:49:53 [icons style="undefined" size="fa-1x" color="01749F" icon="fa-clock-o"] Can you believe we made it to episode 2? Tim, Ben H, Dylan, Adam, Ben James, and [...]

August 7th, 2012|Semi-Award Winning, The Best Podcast Ever|