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Episode 242 – “The Incident”

Superhero fatigue, Kegel Elves, and the Navy sucks?! We'll never know without your help, so grab a drink and do that thing! Have a question? E-mail us at questions@drunkcastlive.com, or call us at 802.359.SHOT [...]

December 16th, 2017|Comics, Movies and TV|

Episode 136 – “SCOTUS”

Jimmy Preston, Josh Woodyard, gay rights, SCOTUS, and other jiggery-pokery. Come check it out! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HEY YOU! Are you still reading this? Excellent! Please do us a BIG favor and CLICK on the following link! https://www.crowdrise.com/Build-a-Heart/fundraiser/drunkcastlive Allison Harris [...]

July 1st, 2015|Comedians, Current Events, The Best Podcast Ever|